The Power of Education
The power of education can lead to many opportunities. For Violeta, her education has led her to benefitting, empowering, and advocating for first- generation, low-income students to break the cycle of poverty and low degree attainment in Pueblo, Colorado.
Violeta grew up in a single-parent household with a limited income. She shared it was always difficult for her family. Her mother is a firm believer in education and motivated her to obtain a higher education.

Having no guidance on how to go to college, Violeta was connected to the TRIO Upward Bound Program. TRIO Upward Bound is an academic and college preparatory program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The purpose of TRIO Upward Bound is to develop the skills and motivation necessary for students to successfully complete high school and to enter and succeed in college.
Having that support, Violeta would go on to obtain her Associate of Liberal Arts from Trinidad State Junior College, Certificate of Dental Assisting from Pueblo Community College, and her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Criminology from Colorado State University (CSU) – Pueblo. She went through some career changes and in 2017 began working as a Student Success Advisor for the TRIO Upward Bound Program at CSU – Pueblo. Having been a graduate from TRIO Upward Bound, Violeta knew she could be a great role model for her students and show them that it is still possible to continue to further your education at any age. She shared, “I can relate to most of the participants and their struggles as a student. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy what I do and why I want to share that it is possible to go to college.”
Violeta knew there would be more advancement and compensation opportunities if she earned a master’s degree. In 2019 she began graduate school to obtain her Master of Business Administration from CSU – Pueblo. After several years of hard work and receiving CWEF scholarships in 2019 and 2020, Violeta graduated Magna Cum Lade in 2021. Completing this advanced degree facilitated her promotion from Student Success Advisor to Assistant Director with the TRIO Upward Bound Program at CSU – Pueblo. Along with more responsibilities, her promotion came with a $10,000 raise, which was a 24% pay increase.
By sharing her story, she is inspiring and motivating the next generation of leaders. Violeta stated, “The power of education can open many doors and bring many opportunities.” CWEF couldn’t agree more! Not only has Violeta increased her education and income, she is giving back and helping others further their education. CWEF is proud to have invested in Violeta!